I felt validated after my appointment. Some people in the healthcare field don't recognize PMDD as a real disorder. My doctor said something like, "I've seen young girls attempting suicide every month when it's time for their period. That's very real." After hearing my symptoms and asking a few questions, he said I have PMDD, but luckily it's on the mild side of the cases he's seen.
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I mentioned before I've been on an anti-depressant years before when I had a rough patch with my depression. I hated the medicine. It turned me into a zombie- I wasn't happy or sad, I was just there. And a couple years ago, once I realized I probably had PMDD, I tried herbal supplements. Those didn't seem to help. After discussing options with my new dr we decided on an extended cycle birth control bill, which is a 3 month pill. After my first pack we are going to evaluate and see if a low dose of SSRI is needed. I'm nervous about trying another anti-depressant, but honestly, after living with these symptoms for more than 8 years I'm ready to try anything.
Disclaimer: Please realize I'm not a healthcare professional and I'm not advising anyone to do exactly what I'm doing. Everyone is different and everyone has her own path. I'm sharing my story in hopes that it might help someone else.
Like I said in a previous post, I realize there are other treatments besides drugs. But right now that seems to be my best option. I am also trying to cut back on my sugar intake and be more active. I've read many articles and comments about natural treatments and changing diet and exercise. Here are some articles you might like:
Ok, back to my treatment. I filled my prescription right after my appt, and started the pills that night. Two days later I went into full-blown PMDD episode. I guess my body thought we were skipping "the good week" and going right into hormone hell again......
Side note--the following appears in very small type for some unknown reason. Can't seem to change it, no matter what I try. Sorry!
Here's a real life example of PMDD : I've left out a couple of details for time/space sake, but I'm sure you'll be able to easily recognize the irrational thinking and out of control emotions...
My husband really wanted to go to our ward's temple night. I didn't really have the desire to go as sometimes I have social avoidance with PMDD. But I didn't want to be selfish so I agreed. I had asked 2 of his nieces if they wanted to come tend our kids at our house. They said yes, but they would double check with parents. So the day arrived and I text the girls in the morning to see if it was still ok that they came over to tend. One said yes, but the other wouldn't answer (I later found out she was working this day even though she usually only works on the weekends). I was feeling frustrated because my kids weren't being good, weren't listening, weren't whatever.... I was yelling at the kids and trying to get the house clean. I wasn't feeling in the right mindset to go to the temple, and besides, I didn't know if 1 of my sitters was coming. Husband was texting me asking if I'd heard from them, if he was to pick up the pizza on his way home, what their favorite candy was (because I had promised the girls their fav treat). Then my M-I-L text me asking if the kids could be tended at her house instead, and that she would feed them. I need to add here that I love my mother-in-law tremendously. She is an amazing person who bends over backwards to help her family. But you know what? I was mad. My hormones were raging and I felt like everyone-- my m-i-l, my husband, my kids, nieces-- I felt like they were all trying to mess up my life. I had no desire to go to the temple anymore. I was in an ugly "mad/sad" state. BUT I was trying to stay calm and talk myself down and see the situation for what it really was.
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*I will post some thoughts on having a support system soon and the end of ^that^ story will be included.*
Right now I have to take one day at a time. I pray a lot. I still cry a lot. I really want to find a treatment that works for me. I hate my birth control right now, but I know I have to give it time. My doctor encouraged me to be patient and not give up. There are many options and lots of resources out there, so if you're struggling with PMDD too, I hope you'll be successful also.