Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Time Marches On

from google images
Wow, my last post was 2016, and now it's February 2019.  Time marches on, doesn't it?

There have been days over the past 3 years that I struggle just to get through the day.  There have also been days that were amazing- that I didn't want the day to end.  I think most of us go through that.  Good and bad, sweet and sour, amazing and mundane.

Update on me:
After my body got used to the 2 medications I was prescribed (SSRI and extended BC) I began to feel loads better!  I felt content that I was finally able to find a doctor that listened to me and that I'd found a medication combination that worked.  Phew! I felt like everything was great and I was optimistic.  I still had bad days of course, but I felt more under control than I had in such a long time.   About 2 1/2 years of mostly good days.
But then January 2019 came.  And it hit me hard.  I had horrible depression all month and a nasty cold for 3 weeks.  "Winter blues" was an understatement.  I'd had several rough days in December but I just brushed it off as 'being stressed about Christmas' or 'not enough self-care' or other excuses.  But those feelings didn't go away after the rush of the holidays.  I was sleeping as much as I could, crying all the time, disliking my family, not accomplishing anything, withdrawing myself, etc.  It was an ugly month and 1/2.  Now I'm second guessing how well I'm actually doing...  Is my SSRI strong enough?  Do I need a higher dosage?  Has my body gotten used to it and it's becoming ineffective?  Or is everything fine and I'm just going through a bad bout of depression? 

So I've been thinking a lot about depression and I've decided to write a post on just that.  Stay tuned.

Do you, like me, have PMDD and depression?  Have you been able to find a doctor who listens and who you like?  If you're in the thick of it, hang in there!  If you're at a low point and re-evaluating, you'll get through this!  If it's smooth sailing at the moment, good for you; cherish it!  In my experience life never stays the same for very long.  :)

"Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal is going to waste a lot of time running around shouting that he's been robbed... Life is like an old time rail journey- delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed.  The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride." -Gordon B. Hinckley